What Is Fast Day?

Fast Day is the major fund-raising campaign of the CHATT Foundation. The Campaign began in 1989 with the concept that those wanting to help our area’s homeless should fast for a meal and donate what they would have spent on that meal to the CHATT Foundation. Since then, the scope of Fast Day has grown to become the primary source for the ministry and mission of the CHATT Foundation

Fast Day is an opportunity for churches, individuals and businesses to support the ministry and mission of the CHATT Foundation. Traditionally, folks have fasted (physically or spiritually) for a meal, a day or a week between September and December and donated what would have been spent to the CHATT Foundation.  But, you can certainly tailor the campaign to fit your needs or schedule.

Anyone can participate in Fast Day! Naturally, the simplest way to participate is to make a donation, but you can also encourage others to donate, share on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or involve your church or social group.  

Contact Holly Reeve for more information on how to get started!

What Your Gift Means To The CHATT Foundation

Your gift will help the many hungry, homeless, and vulnerable men, women, and children in our community by providing:

  • Three nutritious meals a day

  • Shelter from the heat and cold

  • Shower and laundry facilities

  • Clothing, shoes, and other personal belongings

  • Permanent, stable housing

  • Job training and placement

  • Foot care services and medical care access

  • Love and human contact